Rv3414c - alternative RNA polymerase sigma factor sigD

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Namealternative RNA polymerase sigma factor sigD
Location3833038 - 3833676 (-)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:639 bp
Protein:213 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
STITCH Chemical-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number31481
Related GenesCE0605 cg0696 DIP0577 jk1726 MAP4275 MAV_4359 Mkms_1181 Mmcs_1164 MSMEG_1599 MT3523 MUL_0897 Mvan_1508 nfa8890 nfa8920
Transcriptional Regulation
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionRegulatory Rv3717activevijayachitra2012-10-05

EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A mycobacterial enzyme essential for cell division synergizes with resuscitation-promoting factor. PLoS Pathog. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv3717activevijayachitra2012-10-05

HI. Boshoff, TG. Myers et al. The transcriptional responses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to inhibitors of metabolism: novel insights into drug mechanisms of action. J. Biol. Chem. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv3717activeaparna.vchalam2012-10-05

EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A mycobacterial enzyme essential for cell division synergizes with resuscitation-promoting factor. PLoS Pathog. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv3717activeaparna.vchalam2012-10-05

HI. Boshoff, TG. Myers et al. The transcriptional responses of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to inhibitors of metabolism: novel insights into drug mechanisms of action. J. Biol. Chem. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv3675activejhum4u20062012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,V. Makarov,G. Manina,K. Mikusova,U. Möllmann,O. Ryabova,B. Saint-Joanis,N. Dhar,MR. Pasca,S. Buroni,AP. Lucarelli,A. Milano,E. De Rossi,M. Belanova,A. Bobovska,P. Dianiskova,J. Kordulakova,C. Sala,E. Fullam,P. Schneider,JD. McKinney,P. Brodin,T. Christophe,S. Waddell,P. Butcher,J. Albrethsen,I. Rosenkrands,R. Brosch,V. Nandi,S. Bharath,S. Gaonkar,RK. Shandil,V. Balasubramanian,T. Balganesh,S. Tyagi,J. Grosset,G. Riccardi,ST. Cole Benzothiazinones kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis by blocking arabinan synthesis. Science 2009
InteractionRegulatory Rv3675activejhum4u20062012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv3647cactivepoorsekurdhanaraju2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1884cactiveswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression(Functional Linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1815activeswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression(Functional Linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1884cactiveswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression(Functional Linkage)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionRegulatory Rv1815activeswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression(Functional Linkage)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionRegulatory Rv3413cactiveshefin842012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
KG. Thakur,AM. Joshi,B. Gopal Structural and biophysical studies on two promoter recognition domains of the extra-cytoplasmic function sigma factor sigma(C) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Biol. Chem. 2007
InteractionRegulatory Rv3413cactiveshefin842012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionTranscription Rv3212activesourish102012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv2889cactiveshahanup862012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionTranslation Rv2441cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05
Co expression Analysis
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2396activesourish102012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
G. Bai, LA. McCue et al. Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3676 (CRPMt), a cyclic AMP receptor protein-like DNA binding protein. J. Bacteriol. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2396activesourish102012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
SB. Walters, E. Dubnau et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis PhoPR two-component system regulates genes essential for virulence and complex lipid biosynthesis. Mol. Microbiol. 2006
InteractionTranscription Rv2396activesourish102012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionRegulatory Rv2348cactiveakankshajain.212012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionRegulatory Rv2348cactiveakankshajain.212012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1883cactivemadhulsbu2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,RP. Carithers,DC. Yoch,DI. Arnon Two forms of nitrogenase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum. J. Bacteriol. 1979
InteractionRegulatory Rv1883cactivemadhulsbu2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,LM. Iyer,EV. Koonin,L. Aravind Adaptations of the helix-grip fold for ligand binding and catalysis in the START domain superfamily. Proteins 2001
InteractionRegulatory Rv1816activemadhulsbu2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1815activemadhulsbu2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv1450cactivebalaganesh7272012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,JE. Clark-Curtiss,SE. Haydel Molecular genetics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2003
InteractionRegulatory Rv1450cactivebalaganesh7272012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
J. Flores & C. Espitia Differential expression of PE and PE_PGRS genes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. Gene 2003
InteractionRegulatory Rv1450cactivebalaganesh7272012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionTranscription Rv0685activesourish102012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
InteractionTranscription Rv0685activesourish102012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv0684activesourish102012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
InteractionTranscription Rv0684activesourish102012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
H. Calamita, C. Ko et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigD sigma factor controls the expression of ribosome-associated gene products in stationary phase and is required for full virulence. Cell. Microbiol. 2005
InteractionRegulatory Rv0182cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
JH. Lee, DE. Geiman et al. Role of stress response sigma factor SigG in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv0124activeprabhakarsmail2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv0182cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
qRT-PCR. mRNA expression levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using qRT-PCR technique.
JH. Lee, DE. Geiman et al. Role of stress response sigma factor SigG in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulates Rv3875activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulates Rv3874activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulates Rv3538activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulates Rv3537activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulates Rv3418cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulates Rv3417cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
One hybrid reporter system. Physical binding of the regulator to the regulated promoter proved by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. .
M. Guo, H. Feng et al. Dissecting transcription regulatory pathways through a new bacterial one-hybrid reporter system. Genome Res. 2009
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv3414cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Literature previously reported link (from Balazsi et al. 2008). Traceable author statement to experimental support.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulates Rv3414cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Literature previously reported link (from Balazsi et al. 2008). Traceable author statement to experimental support.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulates Rv1884cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Literature previously reported link (from Balazsi et al. 2008). Traceable author statement to experimental support.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulates Rv1815activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Literature previously reported link (from Balazsi et al. 2008). Traceable author statement to experimental support.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulates Rv0341activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Literature previously reported link (from Balazsi et al. 2008). Traceable author statement to experimental support.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv3675activejhum4u20062012-10-03
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,V. Makarov,G. Manina,K. Mikusova,U. Möllmann,O. Ryabova,B. Saint-Joanis,N. Dhar,MR. Pasca,S. Buroni,AP. Lucarelli,A. Milano,E. De Rossi,M. Belanova,A. Bobovska,P. Dianiskova,J. Kordulakova,C. Sala,E. Fullam,P. Schneider,JD. McKinney,P. Brodin,T. Christophe,S. Waddell,P. Butcher,J. Albrethsen,I. Rosenkrands,R. Brosch,V. Nandi,S. Bharath,S. Gaonkar,RK. Shandil,V. Balasubramanian,T. Balganesh,S. Tyagi,J. Grosset,G. Riccardi,ST. Cole Benzothiazinones kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis by blocking arabinan synthesis. Science 2009
InteractionRegulatory Rv3675activejhum4u20062012-10-03
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
S. Raman, R. Hazra et al. Transcription regulation by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis alternative sigma factor SigD and its role in virulence. J. Bacteriol. 2004