Rv3799c - propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain 4 accD4

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Namepropionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain 4 accD4
Location4254380 - 4255948 (-)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:1569 bp
Protein:523 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number33819
Related GenesCE2704 cg3177 DIP2188 jk0139 MAP0221 MAV_0220 Mkms_5097 ML0102 Mmcs_5009 MSMEG_6391 MT3906 MUL_4982 Mvan_5639 nfa1900
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3801cactivesourish102012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
SK. Parker, RM. Barkley et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3802c encodes a phospholipase/thioesterase and is inhibited by the antimycobacterial agent tetrahydrolipstatin. PLoS ONE 2009
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3281activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3280activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3285activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3281activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
TJ. Oh, J. Daniel et al. Identification and characterization of Rv3281 as a novel subunit of a biotin-dependent acyl-CoA Carboxylase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. J. Biol. Chem. 2006
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3280activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
TJ. Oh, J. Daniel et al. Identification and characterization of Rv3281 as a novel subunit of a biotin-dependent acyl-CoA Carboxylase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. J. Biol. Chem. 2006
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv3285activejgalag2012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
TJ. Oh, J. Daniel et al. Identification and characterization of Rv3281 as a novel subunit of a biotin-dependent acyl-CoA Carboxylase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. J. Biol. Chem. 2006
Claisen-type condensation
Claisen-type condensation
TermEC: Propionyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Traceable author statement to experimental support
authors,KY. Rhee,LP. de Carvalho,R. Bryk,S. Ehrt,J. Marrero,SW. Park,D. Schnappinger,A. Venugopal,C. Nathan Central carbon metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an unexpected frontier. Trends Microbiol. 2011
TermEC: Glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Traceable author statement to experimental support
authors,KY. Rhee,LP. de Carvalho,R. Bryk,S. Ehrt,J. Marrero,SW. Park,D. Schnappinger,A. Venugopal,C. Nathan Central carbon metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an unexpected frontier. Trends Microbiol. 2011
TermEC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Traceable author statement to experimental support
authors,KY. Rhee,LP. de Carvalho,R. Bryk,S. Ehrt,J. Marrero,SW. Park,D. Schnappinger,A. Venugopal,C. Nathan Central carbon metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an unexpected frontier. Trends Microbiol. 2011
TermEC: Propionyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Human inference of function from sequence
authors,ST. Cole,R. Brosch,J. Parkhill,T. Garnier,C. Churcher,D. Harris,SV. Gordon,K. Eiglmeier,S. Gas,CE. Barry,F. Tekaia,K. Badcock,D. Basham,D. Brown,T. Chillingworth,R. Connor,R. Davies,K. Devlin,T. Feltwell,S. Gentles,N. Hamlin,S. Holroyd,T. Hornsby,K. Jagels,A. Krogh,J. McLean,S. Moule,L. Murphy,K. Oliver,J. Osborne,MA. Quail,MA. Rajandream,J. Rogers,S. Rutter,K. Seeger,J. Skelton,R. Squares,S. Squares,JE. Sulston,K. Taylor,S. Whitehead,BG. Barrell Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence. Nature 1998
TermEC: Glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Human inference of function from sequence
authors,ST. Cole,R. Brosch,J. Parkhill,T. Garnier,C. Churcher,D. Harris,SV. Gordon,K. Eiglmeier,S. Gas,CE. Barry,F. Tekaia,K. Badcock,D. Basham,D. Brown,T. Chillingworth,R. Connor,R. Davies,K. Devlin,T. Feltwell,S. Gentles,N. Hamlin,S. Holroyd,T. Hornsby,K. Jagels,A. Krogh,J. McLean,S. Moule,L. Murphy,K. Oliver,J. Osborne,MA. Quail,MA. Rajandream,J. Rogers,S. Rutter,K. Seeger,J. Skelton,R. Squares,S. Squares,JE. Sulston,K. Taylor,S. Whitehead,BG. Barrell Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence. Nature 1998
TermEC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactiveextern:JZUCKER2012-03-06
Human inference of function from sequence
authors,ST. Cole,R. Brosch,J. Parkhill,T. Garnier,C. Churcher,D. Harris,SV. Gordon,K. Eiglmeier,S. Gas,CE. Barry,F. Tekaia,K. Badcock,D. Basham,D. Brown,T. Chillingworth,R. Connor,R. Davies,K. Devlin,T. Feltwell,S. Gentles,N. Hamlin,S. Holroyd,T. Hornsby,K. Jagels,A. Krogh,J. McLean,S. Moule,L. Murphy,K. Oliver,J. Osborne,MA. Quail,MA. Rajandream,J. Rogers,S. Rutter,K. Seeger,J. Skelton,R. Squares,S. Squares,JE. Sulston,K. Taylor,S. Whitehead,BG. Barrell Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence. Nature 1998
TermEC: Propionyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactivejjmcfadden2012-03-05
Inferred from direct assay
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005
TermEC: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactivejjmcfadden2012-03-05
Inferred from direct assay
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005
TermEC: Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase. - NRactivejjmcfadden2012-03-05
Inferred from direct assay
D. Portevin, C. de Sousa-D'Auria et al. The acyl-AMP ligase FadD32 and AccD4-containing acyl-CoA carboxylase are required for the synthesis of mycolic acids and essential for mycobacterial growth: identification of the carboxylation product and determination of the acyl-CoA carboxylase components. J. Biol. Chem. 2005