Rv0863 - conserved hypothetical protein

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Nameconserved hypothetical protein
Location962599 - 962880 (+)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:282 bp
Protein:94 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number372
Related GenesCE0893 cg0935 DIP0774 jk0415 MAP0801 MAV_0992 Mkms_4570 ML2155 Mmcs_4483 MSMEG_5704 MT0886 MUL_0287 Mvan_5053 nfa6360
Transcriptional Regulation
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionRegulatory Rv2710activeswetha.r2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
JH. Lee, PC. Karakousis et al. Roles of SigB and SigF in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigma factor network. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv1221activeswetha.r2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
JH. Lee, PC. Karakousis et al. Roles of SigB and SigF in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigma factor network. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulatory Rv2710activeswetha.r2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionRegulatory Rv1221activeswetha.r2012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv2710activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
JH. Lee, PC. Karakousis et al. Roles of SigB and SigF in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigma factor network. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv1221activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001