Rv1477 - invasion-associated protein

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Nameinvasion-associated protein
Location1666990 - 1668408 (+)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:1419 bp
Protein:473 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number36048
Related GenesMAP1203 MAP1204 MAV_3300 MAV_3301 Mkms_2496 Mkms_2497 ML1811 ML1812 Mmcs_2451 Mmcs_2452 MSMEG_3145 MSMEG_3146 MT1524 MT1525 MUL_1486 MUL_1487 Mvan_2747 Mvan_2748 nfa34810 Rv1478
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactivesinghpankaj21162012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
authors,GV. Mukamolova,AS. Kaprelyants,DI. Young,M. Young,DB. Kell A bacterial cytokine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1998
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactivesinghpankaj21162012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactivesinghpankaj21162012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional linkage)
BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactiverichasinha4u2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactiverichasinha4u2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
authors,JM. Tufariello,WR. Jacobs,J. Chan Individual Mycobacterium tuberculosis resuscitation-promoting factor homologues are dispensable for growth in vitro and in vivo. Infect. Immun. 2004
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactiverichasinha4u2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450cactiverichasinha4u2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
KJ. Downing, JC. Betts et al. Global expression profiling of strains harbouring null mutations reveals that the five rpf-like genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis show functional redundancy. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2004
InteractionActivates Rv2450cactivevijayachitra2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
InteractionActivates Rv1009activevijayachitra2012-10-05
Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009activeharsharohiratruefriend2012-10-05
yeast two hybrid
BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009activeharsharohiratruefriend2012-10-05
yeast two hybrid
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009activeharsharohiratruefriend2012-10-05
yeast two hybrid
KJ. Downing, VV. Mischenko et al. Mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lacking three of the five rpf-like genes are defective for growth in vivo and for resuscitation in vitro. Infect. Immun. 2005
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009activeharsharohiratruefriend2012-10-05
yeast two hybrid
JM. Tufariello, K. Mi et al. Deletion of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis resuscitation-promoting factor Rv1009 gene results in delayed reactivation from chronic tuberculosis. Infect. Immun. 2006
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cactivegirishgene072012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
S. Bardarov, S. Bardarov Jr et al. Specialized transduction: an efficient method for generating marked and unmarked targeted gene disruptions in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG and M. smegmatis. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2002
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cactivegirishgene072012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A mycobacterial enzyme essential for cell division synergizes with resuscitation-promoting factor. PLoS Pathog. 2008
InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cactivegirishgene072012-10-05
Affinity purification (Physical interaction)
BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
NamePeptidoglycan hydrolase (L,D-peptidase, NLP/P60 family member)activemjackson2012-10-05
Peptidoglycan turnover
Peptidoglycan turnover