Rv1622c - membrane cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase subunit II cydB

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Gene Information
Gene Namemembrane cytochrome D ubiquinol oxidase subunit II cydB
Location1823360 - 1824400 (-)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:1041 bp
Protein:347 aa
External LinksTuberculist
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Orthogroup Number28296
Related GenesAcel_0599 CE1252 cg1300 DIP1899 MAP1315c MAV_3165 Mkms_3096 Mmcs_3037 MSMEG_3232 MT1658 MUL_1603 Mvan_2829 nfa5860 PPA0175 SAV4259
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1623cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1621cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

BD. Kana, EA. Weinstein et al. Characterization of the cydAB-encoded cytochrome bd oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. J. Bacteriol. 2001
InteractionOperon Rv1620cactivepriti.priety2012-10-05

authors,H. Cruz-Ramos,GM. Cook,G. Wu,MW. Cleeter,RK. Poole Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Escherichia coli CydDC, an ABC-type cysteine exporter required for cytochrome assembly. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2004
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv0348activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv0182cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
JH. Lee, DE. Geiman et al. Role of stress response sigma factor SigG in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2008
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv0491activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
T. Parish, DA. Smith et al. The senX3-regX3 two-component regulatory system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is required for virulence. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2003