Rv1930c - conserved hypothetical protein

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Nameconserved hypothetical protein
Location2181918 - 2182442 (-)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:525 bp
Protein:175 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number25744
Related GenesMAP1651c MAP1652c MAV_2773 Mkms_0761 Mkms_0762 Mkms_3445 Mkms_3446 Mmcs_0747 Mmcs_0748 Mmcs_3383 Mmcs_3384 MSMEG_1106 MSMEG_1107 MSMEG_6839 MT1981 MUL_2902 Mvan_0972 Mvan_0973 Rv1931c
Transcriptional Regulation
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionRegulatory Rv1963cactiveswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional Linkage)
authors,PM. Quigley,K. Korotkov,F. Baneyx,WG. Hol The 1.6-A crystal structure of the class of chaperones represented by Escherichia coli Hsp31 reveals a putative catalytic triad. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2003
InteractionRegulatory Rv1963cactiveswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional Linkage)
authors,S. Mostowy,J. Inwald,S. Gordon,C. Martin,R. Warren,K. Kremer,D. Cousins,MA. Behr Revisiting the evolution of Mycobacterium bovis. J. Bacteriol. 2005
InteractionRegulatory Rv1963cactiveswatigandhi192012-10-05
Co-expression (Functional Linkage)
MD. Santangelo, LI. Klepp et al. Mce3R, a TetR-type transcriptional repressor, controls the expression of a regulon involved in lipid metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2009
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv1963cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
MP. Santangelo, FC. Blanco et al. Study of the role of Mce3R on the transcription of mce genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BMC Microbiol. 2008