Rv2220 - glutamine synthetase glnA1

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Nameglutamine synthetase glnA1
Location2487615 - 2489051 (+)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:1437 bp
Protein:479 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number34632
Related GenesAcel_0919 CE2127 cg2447 DIP1671 jk0675 MAP1962 MAP1966c MAV_2244 MAV_2267 Mkms_3382 Mkms_3390 ML1631 Mmcs_3320 Mmcs_3328 MSMEG_4290 MSMEG_4294 MT2278 MT2280 MUL_1335 MUL_1340 Mvan_3585 Mvan_3598 nfa16600 PPA0664 PPA0671 Rv2222c SAV5954
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InteractionOperon Rv2919cactiveshahanup862012-10-05
Coexpression(Functional Linkage)
A. Bandyopadhyay, A. Arora et al. Expression and molecular characterization of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis PII protein. J. Biochem. 2010
InteractionOperon Rv2919cactiveshahanup862012-10-05
Coexpression(Functional Linkage)
R. Read, CA. Pashley et al. The role of GlnD in ammonia assimilation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2007
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
GS. Hotter, P. Mouat et al. Independent transcription of glutamine synthetase (glnA2) and glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase (glnE) in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2008
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
GS. Hotter, P. Mouat et al. Independent transcription of glutamine synthetase (glnA2) and glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase (glnE) in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2008
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
authors,WW. Krajewski,TA. Jones,SL. Mowbray Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase in complex with a transition-state mimic provides functional insights. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
authors,WW. Krajewski,TA. Jones,SL. Mowbray Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase in complex with a transition-state mimic provides functional insights. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
Structural Analysis
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
GS. Hotter, P. Mouat et al. Independent transcription of glutamine synthetase (glnA2) and glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase (glnE) in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2008
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
GS. Hotter, P. Mouat et al. Independent transcription of glutamine synthetase (glnA2) and glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase (glnE) in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2008
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
authors,WW. Krajewski,TA. Jones,SL. Mowbray Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase in complex with a transition-state mimic provides functional insights. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
authors,WW. Krajewski,TA. Jones,SL. Mowbray Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase in complex with a transition-state mimic provides functional insights. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2005
InteractionTranscription Rv2222cactivejgalag2012-10-05
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionTranscription Rv2221cactivejgalag2012-10-05
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv1221activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
R. Manganelli, MI. Voskuil et al. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ECF sigma factor sigmaE: role in global gene expression and survival in macrophages. Mol. Microbiol. 2001
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv3676activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
E.coli orthology based inference. Orthologous pair regulator-target found in E.coli.
G. Balázsi, AP. Heath et al. The temporal response of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene regulatory network during growth arrest. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2008
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv3676activeyamir.moreno2012-10-05
E.coli orthology based inference. Orthologous pair regulator-target found in E.coli.
authors,M. Madan Babu,SA. Teichmann,L. Aravind Evolutionary dynamics of prokaryotic transcriptional regulatory networks. J. Mol. Biol. 2006