Rv2884 - transcriptional regulator

Protein Domains

Gene Information
Gene Nametranscriptional regulator
Location3193393 - 3194151 (+)
SpeciesMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv complete genome.
LengthGene:759 bp
Protein:253 aa
External LinksTuberculist
Target Gene Information
String Protein-Protein Interactions
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Orthogroup Number33397
Related GenesMAP2948 MAV_3735 MT2952 MUL_2073
Transcriptional Regulation
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Community Annotations Pending Curatorial Review
InteractionRegulatory Rv3286cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05
Invitro transcription analysis (Functional Analysis)
D. Homerová, K. Surdová et al. Optimization of a two-plasmid system for the identification of promoters recognized by RNA polymerase containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis stress response sigma factor, sigmaF. Folia Microbiol. (Praha) 2004
InteractionRegulatory Rv3286cactiveashwinigbhat2012-10-05
Invitro transcription analysis (Functional Analysis)
EP. Williams, JH. Lee et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigF regulates genes encoding cell wall-associated proteins and directly regulates the transcriptional regulatory gene phoY1. J. Bacteriol. 2007
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv3286cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments.. qRT-PCR. mRNA expression levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using qRT-PCR technique.
EP. Williams, JH. Lee et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigF regulates genes encoding cell wall-associated proteins and directly regulates the transcriptional regulatory gene phoY1. J. Bacteriol. 2007
InteractionRegulatedBy Rv3286cactiveyamir.moreno2012-10-05
Microarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments.. qRT-PCR. mRNA expression levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using qRT-PCR technique.
EP. Williams, JH. Lee et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis SigF regulates genes encoding cell wall-associated proteins and directly regulates the transcriptional regulatory gene phoY1. J. Bacteriol. 2007